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Win7 Computer Screen Recording

分类:windows7教程   发布时间:2023-10-09 11:43:56


The article "Win7 Computer Screen Recording" provides a comprehensive guide on how to record your computer screen using Windows 7. It highlights the importance of screen recording and presents various methods and tools to achieve this. The article aims to assist users in effectively capturing their computer screen for various purposes.

Tools and Materials:

- Computer: Dell Inspiron 15 (Model XYZ)- Operating System: Windows 7 Professional (Version 6.1.7601)- Software: OBS Studio (Version 26.1.1)

1. Using OBS Studio for Screen Recording

OBS Studio is a powerful software that allows users to record and stream their computer screen. It offers various features and customization options for an enhanced recording experience. To use OBS Studio for screen recording on Windows 7, follow these steps:

1. Install OBS Studio on your computer.2. Launch OBS Studio and go to the "Settings" menu.3. In the "Output" tab, select the desired recording format and quality.4. Navigate to the "Video" tab and set the desired resolution and frame rate.5. Go to the "Audio" tab and configure the audio settings for your recording.6. Click on the "Start Recording" button to begin capturing your screen.7. Once done, click on the "Stop Recording" button to finish the recording.

2. Using Windows Game Bar for Screen Recording

Windows 7 also provides a built-in screen recording tool called the Game Bar. This tool is primarily designed for capturing gameplay footage but can be used for general screen recording as well. Here's how to use the Windows Game Bar:

1. Press the "Windows key + G" to open the Game Bar.2. Click on the "Record" button to start recording your screen.3. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Windows key + Alt + R" to start and stop the recording.4. To access the recorded video, open the "Captures" folder in the "Videos" directory.


In conclusion, screen recording on Windows 7 can be easily achieved using tools like OBS Studio and the Windows Game Bar. These tools provide users with the ability to capture their computer screen for various purposes such as creating tutorials, recording gameplay, or documenting software issues. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can effectively record their screen and enhance their overall computing experience.

当前位置 当前位置:首页 > windows7教程

Win7 Computer Screen Recording

2023-10-09 11:43:56   来源: windows10系统之家    作者:爱win10


The article "Win7 Computer Screen Recording" provides a comprehensive guide on how to record your computer screen using Windows 7. It highlights the importance of screen recording and presents various methods and tools to achieve this. The article aims to assist users in effectively capturing their computer screen for various purposes.

Tools and Materials:

- Computer: Dell Inspiron 15 (Model XYZ)- Operating System: Windows 7 Professional (Version 6.1.7601)- Software: OBS Studio (Version 26.1.1)

1. Using OBS Studio for Screen Recording

OBS Studio is a powerful software that allows users to record and stream their computer screen. It offers various features and customization options for an enhanced recording experience. To use OBS Studio for screen recording on Windows 7, follow these steps:

1. Install OBS Studio on your computer.2. Launch OBS Studio and go to the "Settings" menu.3. In the "Output" tab, select the desired recording format and quality.4. Navigate to the "Video" tab and set the desired resolution and frame rate.5. Go to the "Audio" tab and configure the audio settings for your recording.6. Click on the "Start Recording" button to begin capturing your screen.7. Once done, click on the "Stop Recording" button to finish the recording.

2. Using Windows Game Bar for Screen Recording

Windows 7 also provides a built-in screen recording tool called the Game Bar. This tool is primarily designed for capturing gameplay footage but can be used for general screen recording as well. Here's how to use the Windows Game Bar:

1. Press the "Windows key + G" to open the Game Bar.2. Click on the "Record" button to start recording your screen.3. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Windows key + Alt + R" to start and stop the recording.4. To access the recorded video, open the "Captures" folder in the "Videos" directory.


In conclusion, screen recording on Windows 7 can be easily achieved using tools like OBS Studio and the Windows Game Bar. These tools provide users with the ability to capture their computer screen for various purposes such as creating tutorials, recording gameplay, or documenting software issues. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can effectively record their screen and enhance their overall computing experience.

computer screen recording win7 computer screen record win7 computer screen cap


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